About us
what do we offer?
Workforce Investment & Opportunity Act (WIOA) One-Stop Operator Consulting
Meeting Facilitation
New Product Development
Leadership Training
Business Development
Public Relations
Sales and Project Planning
We work with small businesses wanting to grow, and big organizations facing disruption. The constant is ACTION. We are here to take your ideas from the drawing board to the real world.
How do we do it?
First, we listen. When we know what you need, we create a customized action plan for you with suggested next steps. For example, this might include facilitating a goal planning session for your team, creating customized toolkits for you to use to reach new customers, and follow-up to support your progress. It all depends on you and your needs.
Why Action Collaboration?
Results. With a proven track record of helping companies and organizations take the steps needed to achieve growth, Action Collaboration is here to see you succeed.
Zoë Vandermeulen, Founder
Early in my career, my boss and mentor commented that my strength was being able to plan strategically and then implement the tactics needed to make those plans happen. It was surprising, and it was the first time someone summed up my work and life philosophy so well - come up with great ideas and be willing to work tirelessly and creatively to make them a reality.
For the next 20+ years, I brought my commitment to action to my work in manufacturing, education, and association management. I have also honed my skills and built a worldwide network through volunteer leadership, most notably with Rotary International. Imagine how excited I was when Rotary unveiled their People of Action branding campaign during the 2017-18 year when I served over 1,300 Rotarians in central New York as their District Governor.
By founding Action Collaboration, I am sharing my strengths with your business. Put me to work for you today by emailing info@actioncollaboration.com.